Long Run, Stevia Packets, Mellow Mushroom

Hello! Sunday already??? Can it be true? Sigh. It has been a wonderful weekend around here. Josh and I crashed early last night and got lots of sleep. I got up early this morning and was out the door by 6:50 for my planned 8 mile run. I took it easy and enjoyed the beautiful weather (it was about 68 degrees). In the end, I ran 8.6 miles:

Question for all you runners out there, at what mileage did you start adding in fuel like shot bloks? I am thinking for anything 10 miles and over I will want to start adding these supplements in around mile 7. Let me know! Also, what do you use for chaffing? Do you just use Vaseline or do you buy a specialty product?

After getting in lots of water and a little refueling (I'm never real hungry right away after long runs), I got into some coffee! I tried the NuNaturals stevia packets in my coffee and REALLY enjoyed it. This stevia doesn’t have the funky after taste of Truvia.
Also, the cookies from the other day are tasty. However, the baking mix does seem to have a slight after taste. I think I will use the stevia packets on a more regular basis, but will use the baking mix selectively.
My Aunt and Uncle came down for lunch today:

Josh and I took them out to the Mellow Mushroom in Mount Pleasant for some good food and to watch the start of the Eagles game:

Love the funky decorations in Mellow:

And the GIANT mushroom in the middle of the restaurant:

I did the build your own salad (feta (I removed about half of this haha), romaine, broccoli, peppers, cucumber, tomatoes):

Josh got a pizza with prosciutto and artichokes:

My Aunt got a BLT with sprouts:

My Uncle got a meatball sub:

Fabulous lunch! My Aunt and Uncle are so much fun. For the rest of the afternoon, I plan to watch lots of football and I have some work work to do and more choreography to learn. I also may try to sneak out to have coffee with a friend. What are you up to?


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