Little Friday Action

Awww weekend! I didn’t think you’d ever get here!

First things first…the winners of the CSN Stores Cory Everson Yoga Mats are…

Sarah at the Foodie Diaries and….
Jenn of Eating Bender

Congrats Ladies!!! And thank you to everyone who entered. Today was an easy day. I had a bundle of work I had to get through, but it all seemed to go pretty smoothly. After work, I tossed the puppers in the tub for a bath, threw in a load of laundry and headed out the door to teach Body Attack.

When I got home, I was a Starvin Marvin and really wanted some carbs. I cooked up a ginormous white potato for the husband and some Rutabaga for me. On top of Josh’s potato he got some fresh mozzarella, buffalo chicken lunch meat and hot sauce. Unfortunately, it was gone before I could get a picture ;)

My rutabaga got mixed with tomatoes, salsa, beans and I had a little fresh mozzarella on the side.
I also had a big ole apple with cinnamon on the side:

Not sure what the rest of tonight will hold? How is your weekend looking? I’m very excited about mine:

Saturday: Up early to prep Maria’s amazing looking Crock pot Applesauce, teach Body Step, Food Shop, Make Emeril’s Chili and get the house ready for chili/penn state party! My parents, Aunt and Uncle, and possibly a friend or two are coming over.

Sunday: Sleep…sleep….relax


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