E: Charleston Visitors & Pregnancy Update

Kelley and I have been the best of friends since high school. She recently got engaged to her WONDERFUL fiancée, Steve, and they decided to take a trip down to Charleston to visit. I was thrilled to see her and we have been having a blast all weekend. A few of the highlights. Dinner Friday night at Liberty Taproom with my parents. Steve & Kelley:


Steve’s flight of beers:


Did I mention that Steve is 6’10”? Look how tiny the beer looks in his hand:


My shrimp salad was very yummy:


Saturday morning, Steve & Josh played basketball, while Kelley and I took Body Step & Pump. We all got cleaned up, at lunch at the house and headed into Charleston.  We probably walked a good 5 miles in Charleston- it was SUCH a pretty day:


Kelley & I (and bump ;)):IMG_1560

Steve & Kelley:


Me & Josh:




One of my favorite candies:




Saturday night was an easy dinner at Mellow- we were exhausted. Today,  we’re headed to my favorite brunch spot ;).

Pregnancy Update:  20 Weeks (the halfway point)


When I mentioned to Josh that we were halfway through this week, he said he couldn’t help but think of this song:

Haha :). Still feeling really good! I’ve felt her move a few times which is really exciting. In terms of cravings, shrimp and crab have been on the top of my list. Very odd! I’m still not really struggling to do anything, but I’m sure that will be coming soon! Kelley brought me two adorable “workout” outfits for the new baby to wear to the gym when I go back to teaching after she is born (SO cute)


Tell me about your weekend so far!


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